Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Are You Really Spending on Smoking?

Smoking is not a cheap habit in any sense. Have you ever really considered all the ways smoking takes a toll on your bank account? I'm not just talking about the obvious continuous flow of cash that goes towards the actual cigarette packs, but also all the indirect expenses that get created as a result, and cause a hit just as well. Here is a look at the hidden expenses that come with being a smoker.

1. Life insurance. Smokers pay more for life insurance due to having a shorter life expectancy. These policies can be as much as double the cost for nonsmokers, and sometimes costing as much as thousands more yearly.
2.Healthcare. Smokers typically experience more illness, and more frequently than nonsmokers, so their expenses on healthcare tend to be higher.

3. Medications. More illness means more medication, and drugs are usually very costly.
4. Dental care. Cigarettes can cause a wide range of dental problems, incurring thousands of dollars in dental visits and treatments.
5. Car insurance. Smokers are considered higher risk for insuring due to statistics showing they get into more accidents than nonsmokers. Perhaps it has to do with being more distracted and having their attention split between driving and smoking, however it does come out as an added expense.
6. Decline in home value. Smoking inside of your home can cause slowly accumulating damage, which can result in a lower value of your home if you do not consistently maintain things such as the flooring, window coverings, paint, ensuring odors do not remain, and that there is no fire damage. If you smoke in your home and are looking to sell it, updating all of these features can cost thousands of dollars.
7. Lower resale value for cars. No matter what, the value of vehicles depreciate, and smokers have a greater chance of losing more money in this regard. Smoke odors can linger permanently in the interior, and cigarettes are known culprits of burnt seats and stained upholstery.
8. Impact on retirement. Lower pension and Social Security benefits are expected for smokers, who statistically work less than nonsmokers.
If you wanna give e-cigarette a shot,please visit our online store.

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