Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Say goodbye to disgusting smoky odor with e-cigs

One of the biggest positives of smoking electronic cigarettes, for smokers, is when they truly get to leave behind all of the disgusting smells that come with tobacco. Often, smokers do not even realize what an issue it is until they are free from it, but when they are it is hugely liberating.
Tobacco cigarettes are pretty nasty, and can leave lingering smells in your clothing or in your hair, on your skin, your hands, your breath, and anywhere you smoke that is not well ventilated. When you are the one carrying the odor around, it can get pretty embarrassing. Most people do not particularly care for the scent, and it really is not good manners to be forcing others to smell your funk! Would you walk out the door without deodorant or cologne? Would you lift your arms up, while wearing a tank top, in a crowded space after a vigorous workout in the summer? Definitely not. Same idea with smoke; no one wants to smell it! Same goes for smoker breath, and smelly clothing.
Smoking indoors is both unsafe and gross because of the way smoke accumulates. It is so pungent it can permeate fabrics, and seem impossible to diminish. It's strength has the capacity to turn the color of walls in the same manner it does to a person's teeth. And then, making matters worse, if the ventilation is not there, the smoke will just remain stagnant, getting stale. Try bringing your non-smoking date over in that atmosphere and you will probably never get them through the threshold again!
The beauty of e-cigarettes is that these gross scenarios never get created, whether you smoke them indoors or out. Entirely a perfect alternative to tobacco cigarettes, they are totally scentless when used. starbuzz e-cigs produce a large, thick cloud of vapor that dissipates into the air when you "smoke" them, leaving not a trace of tar, ash, smoke, or any kind of chemical. Yes, it is as lovely as it sounds!
If you are switching over, give your home a proper deep cleaning. Make it as fresh as possible to totally wipe the cigarettes out of your life. Allow yourself to have a fresh, clean slate to welcome in a healthier, cleaner, more domesticated and hospitable way to get your nicotine! And for those wondering the simplest way to start? Get yourself a starbuzz electronic cigarette starter kit!

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